
A dose of Mom-sense

Mostly nonsense from a newbie mom

The Mad Rush

It’s a mad mad rush early in the morning every day. The cook comes in at around 7. Depending on who is willing to get up from the bed, either me or the husband open the door. Nick also gets up around the same time. All of us spend around twenty minutes of morning family time. it is the best part of our whole day. Nick is usually fresh and showering us with hugs. he practically jumps over us, crawls over us and fills us with his baby mush. After that begins the rush. As soon as the cook leaves, we prepare his food, pack it, Pack our lunch. Feed him breakfast. Simultaneously try to gulp down our breakfast and drink tea before it turns too cold. All this while Nick is smiling and chewing slowly wondering what the fuss is all about. He makes spit bubbles and babbles incoherently. By the time we scoop out of the kitchen it is already nine. The maid arrives just in time. I give her the necessary instructions and leave the kitchen  to her.Then I proceed to give Nick a massage. Now that he has become an expert at crawling, he manages to scoot away while I turn to pour more oil. So, the massage turns into a catch-me-if-you-can game. Then we proceed for bath. Nick squeals in excitement at the water, puts his hands beneath the jets, wanting to touch the bucket, mug etc. By the time he is bathed and clothed it is ten. The husband packs his bags and gets ready to leave Nick at the daycare. I pack my bags and get ready to leave for office. Meanwhile little Nick manages to fall asleep, blissfully unaware of the mayhem around him. The husband and I sit down to have another cup of tea, this time in leisure!!

Hello world!

This is the title suggested by wordpress for the first post. So, hello world!! I had blogged previously and was consistently inconsistent at that. I blamed it for lack of fodder. I used to envy mommy bloggers who had so much to gush about. So, since the day I turned a mum, I knew I had to start blogging again. Welcome aboard to the world of Nick’s mom!!

Happy reading!

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